Learners gain confidence in the digital world and receive certificates of ability

As technology becomes an integral feature in our lives we offer free courses to ensure that everyone has the chance to get basic digital skills for life and work.EDS Learners

On Wednesday 7th December, learners on the Essential Digital Skills course at Woking centre received their Entry Level Three certificates. The learners worked hard to overcome the difficulties of getting to grips with 21st century IT skills, helping them to become independent and manage in today's world whilst being prepared for the challenges of the future, taking an online assessment at the end of the course. One learner is being encouraged to continue her studies by her employer, whilst another recounted how, when needing to travel, she was confident to download an app to help her do that!

Now the learners are on track extending their skills further at Level One, being supported by their tutor Sue Honey.

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  • Reviewed: 30 Mar 2023

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