Learning Disability Partnership Board

The Board meets six times a year and members work in partnership to shape important strategies for improving the lives of people with a learning disability. The dates can be found below.

If you would like to find out more about the Partnership Board, please email ldcommunications@surreycc.gov.uk

We also have Local Valuing People Groups that meet across the four areas of Surrey.

They make sure everyone has a voice and can talk about local issues. These groups meet four times a year and representatives from each group attend the Learning Disability Partnership Board.

Meeting minutes

Meetings for 2024 are held from 10am to 12.30pm and the dates are as follows:

  • Thursday 11 January
  • Thursday 14 March
  • Thursday 6 June
  • Thursday 12 September
  • Thursday 5 December

If you would like to request any previous meeting minutes that are not below, please email us at: ldcommunications@surreycc.gov.uk

Previous meeting minutes:

Meeting minutes for The Learning Disability Partnership Board from June 2024 (PDF)

At our June 2024 meeting we talked about, Carers, Local Valuing People Groups, Safeguarding and Quality Assurance and Local Updates.

Meeting minutes for the Learning Disability Partnership Board from March 2024 (PDF)

At our March 2024 meeting we talked about, Adult Social Care Update, Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training and Dementia and ageing..

Meeting minutes for the Learning Disability Partnership Board from January 2024 (PDF)

At our January 2024 meeting we talked about, terms of reference review and plans for 2024 and experts by experience.

Meeting minutes for The Learning Disability Partnership Board from November 2023 (PDF)

At our November 2023 meeting we talked about, bus services, experts by experience, safeguarding update and local updates.

Terms of reference

Find out what the partnership will do and how it will do it.

Debbie, Co-Chair of the Learning Disability Partnership Board

Debbie speaks about her role as Co-Chair and what she enjoys about being a part of the Learning Disability Partnership Board:

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