Home education for children with special educational needs

Teaching a school aged child or young person at home, either full or part-time is called Elective Home Education (EHE). It may also be known as home education or home schooling.

Parents and carers can choose to electively home educate their child at any age, whether they have been enrolled at school previously or not. If a child or young person has additional needs or a disability the right to home educate still applies. Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) can also be educated at home.

If the child or young person attends a mainstream school, then the parent or carer will need to write to the Headteacher of the school to notify them of their intention to home educate. If the child or young person attends a specialist school, the parent or carer should seek the agreement of the local authority (Surrey County Council) before removing the child or young person from school.

Surrey's Local Offer Home Education page has more information and guidance for parents and carers of children with additional needs or disabilities considering home education. You may also want to read the policy, procedure, and guidance we have published on Educating Your Child at Home.

Parents and carers considering educating their child or young person at home may wish to speak to the Surrey Elective Home Education Team. This team help and support parents and carers looking at home education regardless of the child or young persons needs.

Sources of support, information, and guidance

SEND Advice Surrey

SEND Advice Surrey can offer advice and support to parents who are considering, or have chosen, to educate their child at home in Surrey. They provide a confidential Helpline for parents. You can Call 01737 737 300. or email sendadvice@surreycc.gov.uk.

The SEND Advice Surrey website has information about Alternative Education Choices, including home education.

Learners' Single Point of Access (L-SPA)

The Learners' Single Point of Access (L-SPA) offers help and support if you have a concern about the development or learning needs of a child or young person living in Surrey.

Families and practitioners can call the L-SPA from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, all year round (except Bank Holidays) on 0300 200 1015.

Home education groups

Education Otherwise is a membership-based organisation that provides support and information for families whose children are being educated outside school.

Home Education Advisory Service is a national home education charity that is dedicated to the provision of advice and practical support for families who wish to educate their children at home.

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