How we prioritise our salting

Salting, gritting and snow

How we prioritise

The following priority criteria allows us to use our resources most effectively.

Priority 1 roads

Priority 1 roads are the most important roads in terms of the volume of traffic carried, and are the first to be treated in advance of any forecast frost, ice or snow.

These include:

  • all A roads, B roads and roads carrying more than 8,000 vehicles per day
  • main access routes to hospitals
  • major bus routes
  • roads that link salting routes with those of adjoining counties
  • any priority 2 road which meets three or more of the criteria for priority 2 roads

High routes

High routes are a small area to the east of the county that cover the downs at a high altitude. This particular area of the county is more prone to frost.

Because of this, there may be times where we carry out additional salting on these particular routes.

When we decide to grit the high routes, four gritting vehicles are dispatched from the council's Godstone depot.

Priority 2 roads

During periods of prolonged and persistent frost, ice or snow, we extend salting to include these roads, but only once priority 1 roads have been cleared.

These include:

  • roads carrying more than 4,000 vehicles per day
  • main access routes to important industrial areas and secondary education establishments
  • single access points to villages
  • access roads leading to railway stations
  • roads used by other bus routes and depots
  • steep hazardous gradients and on bridges where local icing conditions are known to occur

Priority 3 roads

During periods of snow clearing, the priority 2 network will be extended to include access routes to primary schools.

Other roads and pavements

Roads we partly salt

Some roads are only partly salted. These are shown on the Surrey Winter Online Map.

Areas that we do not salt

We do not salt residential roads, alleyways, car parks and private property unless they are on the priority list above. Full details of our salting criteria can be found in our Winter Service Policy.

Motorways and trunk roads

Highways England are responsible for salting the motorways and trunk roads that pass through Surrey, including the M3, the M23, M25, A3, A23 at Hooley and the A30 (in Spelthorne only).

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