Please note that we do not routinely salt pavements.
There are over 6,500 miles of roads, pavements and other footways in Surrey. To make the best use of our resources, we prioritise treating roads. Pavements and other footways often clear without specific treatment by the time that roads have been salted.
However, when there are accumulations of snow, we do try to clear pavements in towns and those areas serving hospitals.
Pavements will be cleared of snow in order of priority and only after the roads have been cleared. The number of pavements cleared will depend on the duration and severity of the weather as well as the availability of grit/salt and manpower.
Priority 1: Main town centres footways and pavements. These will be cleared first.
Priority 2: Town centre and links to main transport hubs. These will only be cleared after Priority 1 footways and pavements have been cleared.
Priority 3 and 4: Pavements and footways outside schools and shopping parades. These will only be cleared after Priority 1 and 2 footways and pavements have been cleared.