Travel plan resources

Our Travel Plan Good Practice Guide sets out what Surrey County Council requires from development related travel plans.

For organisations wishing to produce travel plans, please download the workplace travel plan template below. A staff survey questionnaire can also be found on page 26 of our Travel Plan Good Practice Guide.

For developers wishing to produce residential travel plans, please download the residential travel plan template below. A residential survey questionnaire can also be found on page 28 of our Travel Plan Good Practice Guide.

The following links provide information about:

Promoting active and sustainable travel

Planning journeys


Bus travel in Surrey

Rail travel in Surrey

Discounted travel in Surrey

  • Easit in East Surrey has negotiated a discount for all its members for train travel with Southern trains and for bus travel with selected Metrobus routes. Your organisation can join Easit and pass the discount benefits to your staff by visiting their website.

Road Safety

Lift sharing

Surrey Liftshare

Fuel emissions

Files available to download

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