The diverse cultures of Surrey

Over the centuries, people from many different communities have moved to Surrey from all over the UK and throughout the world. The county's rich history is intertwined with cultural diversity as people made their home here and brought with them wonderfully varied cultures and languages.

The history of some ethnic minority and excluded communities is captured in the county's local history, archives and archaeology. Surrey Heritage is committed to proactively collecting records of all Surrey's communities in an effort to preserve as wide a view as possible of the county's history and culture and to promote better awareness of its diversity. From our archive and library collections we have created a range of stories and research guides to help reveal these histories more fully on our Surrey History Centre, Exploring Surrey's Past and Surrey In The Great War websites. The guides allow everyone to enjoy the unique and important material in our care.

If you have material relating to Surrey's diverse communities we would very much like to hear from you.

The following list contains just some of the communities you can discover more about.

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