Have your say - Asking questions at Cabinet and Committee meetings

Anyone who is eligible to vote in local government elections in Surrey can ask a question about general policies at meetings of the Cabinet and most of our committees.

Questions are taken in the order in which they are received and are answered by the appropriate Cabinet member or committee chairman. Following the initial reply, you are entitled to ask one supplementary question. Responses may be provided in writing.

For procedural reasons, questions cannot be asked about matters that are confidential or 'exempt' under the Access to Information Act. Questions should also be about general policies rather than specific details.

The deadline for submission of questions is 7 days in advance of a meeting; please contact the relevant Committee Manager / Scrutiny Officer or contact the Democratic Services general inbox: democraticservices@surreycc.gov.uk

Please see the following for calendar of meetings and details of contact officers.

This will give us time to prepare a full response. Your question will be given to all members who are at the meeting. Your name will be included in the papers and in the minutes of the meeting, unless you request anonymity.

The Planning and Regulatory Committee has additional rights to speak on planning applications.

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