Who can make a complaint?
You can make a complaint yourself or if you need help and support making a complaint you can ask a friend, relative, or someone you trust to make a complaint on your behalf or ask them to accompany you if you meet with us.
You may contact any of the following organisations who may be able to give you advice.
Your local Citizens Advice Bureau
Advocacy and other useful contacts
- Age UK Surrey - Advocacy (older people)
- Age UK (older people)
- MenCap (learning disabilities)
- Royal Association for Deaf people (hearing impaired)
- Surrey Coalition of Disabled People (people with disabilities)
- Advocacy for children and young people
- SCOPE (equality for disabled people)
- Action for Carers (Surrey)
- Surrey Community Action (rural and other communities
- Woking Interpreting and Translating Service (WITS)- provides language support, through a translation service for those with language difficulties, as well as private interpreters. You can contact them on 01483 750970 or 01483 751456 or by emailing info@wits.wavs.org.uk