Food Standards and Feed Controls Service Plan

The Food Standards and Feed Controls Service Plan outlines how Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards intends to fulfil its statutory obligations to enforce standards for food and animal feeding stuffs.

As well as meeting the requirements of the Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Plan contains information that will be of interest to consumers and food businesses.

Most of the legislation regulating the food market derives from the European Union (EU), so the coming years will be uncertain, and we can help food businesses by working in partnership to ensure their products remain compliant and support them pragmatically to deal with the evolving legislative framework.

We offer chargeable business advice and Primary Authority Partnerships to support businesses. We will also support consumers by disseminating important food issues and changes in legislation.

The Plan has been drawn up in accordance with the Food Safety Act 1990 Framework Agreement 1 (April 2010) published by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and ensures that the work we carry out is in line with the Food Standards Agency Strategy 2022 to 2027 and their fundamental mission for food you can trust. By this, they mean a food system in which:

  • Food is safe
  • Food is what it says it is
  • Food is healthier and more sustainable

The Plan also incorporates our joint corporate priorities:

  • Economic prosperity - Helping businesses to thrive and supporting growth
  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Innovation
  • Customer focus / resident experience

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