
Trading Standards are the petroleum enforcement authority in Surrey and we are responsible for ensuring safety at sites where petrol is delivered, stored and dispensed.

On the 1 October 2014, the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 introduced the operation of a permitting system for the storage of Petroleum under certain circumstances. The keeper of fuel must apply for a Petroleum Storage Certificate from this service. We must be satisfied with the storage of Petroleum at the site and the precautions that have been taken to minimise the risks presented by any storage of Petroleum.

Further information on the new legislation can be found on the Health and Safety Executive Website, or by contacting our Trading Standards Business Advice line.

How do I apply for a Petroleum Storage Certificate?

You can apply and pay for a new petroleum storage certificate and renew your existing petroleum storage certificate online, via

How much does the certificate cost?

The cost of a petroleum certificate is dependant on the quantity that will be stored. You may choose how long a storage certificate will be valid for, between one and ten years, and then make a payment for that period of your choice.

For an up to date list of fees please see our Fees and timescales page

Additional information

See links to the Health and Safety Executive Website.

What if I have any queries, concerns or complaint?

For further advice and information about petroleum certificates and storage, contact our Trading Standards Business Advice line.


In partnership with Eugo (European Union Growth) Network: The Eugo network are e-government portals that entrepreneurs and business can use to get information about doing business abroad and to complete administrative formalities concerning the creation of businesses or the cross porder provison of services. Also see UK Welcomes business on the website.

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