Travel Choices: helping children and young people travel independently to school

"Travel Choices made me more independent and has allowed me to grow in confidence"

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What is Travel Choices?

Surrey Choices, in partnership with Surrey County Council, support children and young people to travel independently and safely from home to a place of education through Travel Choices.

How can Travel Choices help you?

Travel Choices will support you to gain independence to travel to school or college. We will work with you, and your family or carer to create a Personal Travel Plan to support you to travel independently. We will work with you at every stage of your plan to find the best way for you to travel which could include:

  • Walking
  • Getting a bus
  • Getting a train
  • Cycling

There are many benefits of this scheme including helping you to gain the right skills to travel safely between home and place of study or to simply go and see friends.

How to apply

Travel Choices is for anyone who receives transport assistance from Surrey County Council to get to school or college. We can help you learn to travel on your own or with a friend.

Apply for travel training

What are the benefits?

Independent travel is a valuable life skill as well as an essential employment skill. It provides greater opportunities for you by increasing confidence in your abilities and reducing your dependence on family members. Some of the benefits include:

  • Preparing you for adulthood
  • Improving your confidence
  • Increasing your independence
  • Helping towards you finding and keeping a job
  • Improving your health and wellbeing
  • Teaching you problem solving skills
  • Giving you new opportunities
  • Helping you feel safe while travelling
  • Enabling you to meet your friends, access college and courses and your community
  • Helping you to do your bit for the environment

Contact details

If you would like further information visit the Travel Choices web site or contact them as follows:

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