Step 5: We offer you a primary, infant or junior school place

We will tell you the place that you have been offered in the evening of 16 April 2024.

  • If you live in Surrey and applied online we will email you the outcome of your application in the evening of 16 April 2024. You can also log into your account to see the outcome, from the same evening.
  • If you have opted to receive notifications from the eAdmissions website (Android devices only) or if you have downloaded the mobile app 'ParentComms' you will also receive a notification in the evening of 16 April 2024 telling you the school your child has been allocated.
  • If you live in Surrey and applied on paper we will write to you on 16 April 2024 letting you know the outcome of your application.
  • If you live outside Surrey, your local authority will let you know the outcome of your application, even if you have applied for Surrey schools.

We will publish details of how places have been allocated for September 2024 as soon as they are available after the allocation.

Continue to step 6: Accept or decline your offered place

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