Mobile phone service for real time bus information

Live bus information direct to your mobile phone

Do you want real-time bus information sent direct to your mobile?

Text your bus stop code to 84268* and you will get a text back telling you when the next bus is due to arrive at your stop.

You can even narrow it down to find out the time your particular bus service will arrive. For example, if you are waiting for the 91 service from Woking rail station (stop code surgdtwm) your text will look like: surgdtwm 91.

Real-time bus information will be sent if possible. If the time in minutes is not available, the latest timetable information will be sent instead.

*Texts cost the standard text message charge from most mobile operators plus 25p.

  • There are six major bus operators in Surrey on the real-time system.
  • Live bus information is available at over 3,800 stops across Surrey.
  • Using an SMS service is much cheaper than having physical displays at bus stops.
  • An SMS service is quick and convenient for bus users.
  • We are making the bus passenger experience better in Surrey to ultimately reduce car usage.


NextBuses is a service that can be used on a mobile phone with internet.

You can search for your bus stop by street, town or postcode. Once you have found your stop, it will display the next buses that will be arriving.

Normal internet charges from your mobile operator apply. Speed and access to the service is subject to your network connection.

This service is brought to you through Traveline.

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