Surrey railway archive DVD

Surrey Railway Archive DVDIf you have links to Surrey, an interest in the county's railway heritage or just like steam trains, then this silent DVD offers a fascinating look back to a bygone era in the history of Surrey's railways. Almost every station and railway line within the modern boundaries of the county is represented through a superb array of colour and black and white photographs (the earliest taken in 1867) complemented where possible with rare archive 8mm colour cine film from the 1960s and 1970s. The DVD captures magnificently the railway network as the age of steam drew to a close.

Each photograph and cine footage sequence is captioned on the film itself and in addition a printed guide is included giving details of each photograph and cine film sequence used. Where known, the date, place and photographer and observations are noted to better explain the scenes - a must for any railway enthusiast that wants to know more! Narration is not included - the pictures speak for themselves!

The last chapter of the DVD features a 5-minute guide to visiting and using collections at Surrey History Centre, winners of the 2012 Archive of the Year Award. Staff walk you through how to book in, how to use the fantastic array of archive and local studies material and give you a taster of the historic gems any member of the public can come and see. Whether you are interested in family or local history, military ancestors or railway research, Surrey History Centre can help you discover more.

The DVD can be purchased by Visa/Mastercard/Debit card from the Surrey Heritage online shop or from Surrey History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6ND.

DVDs are £15.95 each plus £4 postage and packing in the UK; £7 Europe; £10 overseas. Please make cheques payable to Surrey County Council. If you are contacting us from outside the UK, please let us know your country of origin as changes in VAT legislation may affect the services we can provide.

  • Format: DVD-R (UK-PAL)
  • Silent
  • DVD Region: all regions, 16:9 widescreen format
  • Running time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Researched, produced and edited by Bob Bridger and SVS Film, with Surrey History Centre

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