Surrey History Centre is constantly striving to expand its holdings and acquire documents and books which will be of interest to students of the county and its heritage.
We welcome approaches from organisations and individuals who might be interested in donating or loaning material.
Of interest to us would be:
- records of Surrey organisations such as churches, businesses, schools, charities and sporting bodies
- documentation relating to an individual or family with a connection with the county, such as correspondence, diaries, title deeds and estate records
- books, pamphlets, maps and other printed material relating to the county
- photographs, postcards, engravings and paintings of Surrey scenes or people.
Any such material can be either presented to the Centre as an outright gift (our preferred option) or deposited with us as an indefinite loan, in which case ownership remains with the depositor. Papers containing information of a sensitive nature can be closed to public access for a period to be agreed with the depositor. Please see our formal terms of deposit of records.
Documents and books which are placed in our custody receive the following treatment:
- cataloguing by a trained archivist or librarian
- inspection by a qualified conservator and a place in our ongoing repair programme if necessary
- storage in a secure, environmentally controlled strongroom and additional packaging in suitable, acid-free folders and boxes if necessary
- publication of the fully searchable catalogue online so it is accessible across the world
- supervised production to interested researchers in our public searchroom.
The County Archivist is Michael Page, and he is always happy to hear from potential donors or depositors. He can also advise if another record office or library might prove a more suitable home. Contact him on 01483 518737 or via Contact Surrey History Centre online.
Surrey History Centre is unable to care for 3D objects. Please contact your local museum or gallery to find out how to deposit objects.
Surrey Heritage needs your help
Files available to download
Surrey History Centre accessions 2017 (PDF)
Details of new record accessions at Surrey History Centre in 2017 -
Surrey History Centre accessions 2018 (PDF)
Details of new record accessions at Surrey History Centre in 2018 -
Surrey History Centre accessions 2019 (PDF)
Details of new record accessions at Surrey History Centre in 2019 -
Surrey History Centre accessions 2020 (PDF)
Details of new record accessions at Surrey History Centre in 2020 -
Surrey History Centre Accessions 2021 (PDF)
Details of new record accessions at Surrey History Centre in 2021.