Customer Services - Privacy Notice


  • Name of service - Customer Services
  • Directorate :Transformation, Partnership and Prosperity
  • Date of issue: 25 May 2018
  • Date of current version: 25 August 2023
  • Review date : 25 August 2025


The reasons why we use your personal data

Purpose / function of the service

This privacy notice applies to Customer Services that incorporates/carries out the following functions within SCC:

Generic Contact Centre – responds to telephone enquiries from residents on behalf of all Surrey County Council Services (excepting Adults and Children's social care). Includes the LSPA (single point of access for children with additional learning needs or disabilities) and the Community Helpline.

Contact Centre E-Team – responds to email, SMS and Twitter enquiries from residents on behalf of all Surrey County Council services (excepting Adults and Children's Social Care)

Adults Social Care Contact Centre – responds to resident and practitioner enquiries about services available to adults with disabilities and older people

Admin Hub – administrative support for Customer Services teams

Customer Relations - manage and report customer feedback, including impartial investigation of Stage 2 complaints

Web and Digital Services – supports and develops the Council's public and partnership websites and core intranet.

Blue Badge Team – administers the disabled blue badge parking scheme in Surrey, please see the Blue Badge team's privacy notice for further details.

RFS (Request for support Team) - first point of contact for members of the public and professionals who wish to report abuse and neglect of a child or make a Request for Support for a child or family. Whilst the team are embedded in Customer Services, they are covered by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture privacy notice.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific teams or services

In the course of providing services for residents and improving the resident experience, we may need to collect and store your personal data and share it with other council services and organisations. Your personal data is processed for the purposes of:

  • mediating and resolving current and future resident enquiries on behalf of Surrey County Council services
  • referring welfare enquiries received via the Community Helpline to Citizens Advice colleagues for expert advice
  • for investigating complaints
  • to train, monitor and performance manage our contact centre staff
  • to collect customer feedback/gain customer insight to inform improvements to council services
  • to inform improvements to the content and structure of the Surrey County Council website
  • to process applications made by Ukraine guests or on their behalf by their Surrey hosts and sponsors for the Homes for Ukraine temporary free bus pass scheme. Please see the Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass privacy notice for further details.
  • in order to carry out our statutory responsibilities under the different legislative frameworks.

In addition, we collect your personal data for the following:

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement and planning
  • Prevention and detection of crime/fraud
  • Research
  • Statistical analysis and reporting
  • Safeguarding
  • Vital Interests

What information do we collect?

Whilst we do not proactively solicit all the categories of personal data listed below, these may still be captured in recorded calls, Live chat or emails if that information is shared by an individual in the course of a telephone conversation or in the content of an email enquiry or live chat.

See our data protection policy on recorded calls for further details on how we use this information.

  • Address
  • Age
  • Associates
  • Bank Account
  • Certificates
  • Contact Number
  • Credit card numbers
  • Date of Birth
  • Drivers Licence
  • Email Address
  • Family Members
  • Gender
  • Job position / title
  • Mother maiden name
  • Name
  • National Insurance Number
  • NHS number
  • Passport Number
  • Place of birth
  • Personal aliases where requested
  • Power of Attorney
  • Spouses / Partners
  • Surname
  • Vehicle registration plate number
  • Racial
  • Ethnic origin
  • Photograph of an individual
  • Political opinions
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs
  • Trade Union membership
  • Data concerning health
  • Person's sex life
  • Sexual orientation
  • Criminal offence
  • Security measures
  • Financial data

How we are allowed to use your personal data

Legal obligation or public task under various UK legislation including but not limited to:

  • Local Government Act
  • Localism Act 2011
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Mental Health Act 1983, 2007
  • Local Safeguarding Children & Adults Boards Regulations 2006
  • Care Act 2014
  • Crime and Disorder Act 1998
  • Welfare Reform Act 2012

Who we share your personal data with

Where appropriate and necessary to provide our services and resolve your enquires and complaints we may share your data with:

  • Surrey County Council services, staff and contractors providing services on our behalf
  • Participating bus operators in the Homes for Ukraine temporary free bus pass scheme
  • Surrey Police
  • Partner websites
  • Voluntary sector organisations
  • Charities
  • District and Borough councils
  • Other local authorities
  • Defra
  • Providers
  • Health Agencies
  • Public Health England
  • Judicial Agencies e.g. courts

Automated decision making (when computers make any decisions about you)

We do not use automated decision making.

Personal data being sent or processed outside of the UK and EU

We do not send or process data outside of the UK and EU.

Retention of data

Data will be retained in accordance with our service data retention schedule (PDF).

Please note that in the course of responding to enquiries we enter data into 3rd party systems which are the responsibility of other Council services. You can view all other services data retention schedules online.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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