Page contents
- Background to the funding
- Eligibility criteria
- How to apply
- Frequently asked questions
- ARF priorities for innovation and scaling
- Application form for completion
Background to the funding
The Department of Health and Social Care has launched the Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) which provides a total of £42.6 million in grant funding from 2023 to 2025.
The aim of the ARF is to address barriers to adopting innovative practices and building capacity and capability in the Adult Social Care sector. Surrey County Council's share of the fund means organisations may bid for up to £6,000 to complete work that meets the funds aims.
ARF is available to Voluntary Community Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations based in Surrey who are working to support Surrey-based residents.
Closing date for applications is no later than 9am on Monday 16 September.
Eligibility criteria
This small grants programme is available to the following organisations:
- VCSE organisations registered within Surrey and working to improve the lives of Surrey residents.
- Organisations must be able to demonstrate how the funding project they are applying for aligns with one or more of the Governments 12 priorities. These priorities are listed on the Government's website. This was set out by the previous Conservative Government Minister of State for Care under the People at the Heart of Care white paper.
What we won't fund
There are some legal and other organisational considerations that limit how ARF can be used. If your project involves any of the following, then funding will not be awarded:
- funding political organisations and/or political activities
- teaching national curriculum subjects and/or learning-related activities contained in the annual School and Early Years Finance Regulations
- supporting contentious planning matters or disputes
- activities causing reputational damage and conflicts of interest for the council, including campaigns against the council or its statutory partners
- projects that contravene any of Surrey County Council's agreed policies or priorities, including Surrey's net zero ambitions. For example, we won't fund any non-electric vehicles or any fossil fuel based energy solutions.
How to apply
The process to apply for ARF is simple:
- Make sure your project fits within one or more of the 12 priority areas set out below
- Download and complete the funding application form (below) and email to no later than 9am Monday 16 September 2024
- If you need support during your application, please email
- Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive an email confirming receipt
- Please remember to submit supporting documentation such as quotes, permissions and bank details so that the application can be assessed as quickly as possible.
- Please remember to include requested details on letter-headed paper, as per the instruction in section 1 of the application form. Your application will not be processed without this.
- The deadline to apply for Accelerating Reform Funding is 9am Monday 16 September. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered. No exceptions will be made.
- Applications will be assessed week commencing 16 September. All applicants will be notified by email during this week
Please note, we require all successful organisations to provide us with a six month interim report of the project's progress, as well as a 12-month impact report upon the project's completion. Surrey County Council will provide templates for these reports.
Frequently asked questions
- What is the maximum amount we can apply for? Organisations may apply for a maximum of £6,000
- Can we partner with other organisations for joint funding? Organisations wishing to partner with another organisation may do so and if successful, funding will be equal to a joint application for example £12,000 for two organisations bidding together
- Can funding cover staffing costs? Applications for funding may include staffing costs for new projects specifically related to one or more of the 12 ARF priorities
- What is the duration of the funding? Funding is for 12 months and projects should be completed within this time
- What does our application need to demonstrate? In assessing applications, we will consider the following areas:
- Alignment with ARF priorities
- Expected project impacts and outcomes
- Innovation
- Feasibility
- Sustainability
- Capacity and experience
- Engagement and collaboration
Priorities for innovation and scaling to be considered
Applications must align to at least one of the 12 ARF priorities. Please consider before applying whether your project meets any of these requirements.
- Community-based care models such as shared living arrangements
- Supporting people to have greater control over their care options, such as by using digital tools to self-direct support or communicate needs and preferences
- Investment in local area networks or communities to support prevention and promote wellbeing, enabling people to age well in their communities
- Ways to support unpaid carers to have breaks which are tailored to their needs
- Digital tools to support workforce recruitment and retention, for example through referral schemes
- Develop and expand the impact of local volunteer-supported pathways for people drawing on care and support
- Ways to conduct effective carer's assessments with a focus on measuring outcomes and collaboration
- Services that reach out to, and involve, unpaid carers in the discharge process
- Digital workforce development and market shaping tools with capability to map, strengthen and grow local workforce capacity relative to system demand
- Social prescribing to connect people with information, advice, activities and services in the community
- Ways to better identify unpaid carers in local areas
- Ways to encourage people to recognise themselves as carers and promote access to carer services
Application form to be completed
Please fill in the application form below and submit no later than 9am Monday 16 September 2024.
Please send completed applications via email to
Files available to download
Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) application form (MS Word)
Download and complete this Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) application form, returning it no later than 9am Monday 16 September 2024.