Meeting minutes - Mid Surrey Valuing People Group

The Mid Surrey Valuing People Group is an opportunity for people with learning disabilities, family carers, social care providers,mid surrey map valuing people group and health workers volunteers, to come together to discuss local issues in their community.

The areas covered by Mid Surrey are; Elmbridge Borough, Mole Valley District, Epsom and Ewell Borough.

The group meet four times a year and covers Mid Surrey. The group is open to anyone who wishes to join and welcomes new members.

If you are interested in joining then please contact: for more information and to be added to the mailing list.

Meetings for 2024 are held from 10am to 12pm and the dates are as follows:

  • Wednesday 20 March 2024
  • Wednesday 12 June 2024
  • Tuesday 17 September 2024
  • Wednesday 11 December 2024

Mid Surrey meeting minutes

Please find the meeting minute notes and summary below.

June meeting minutes summary and notes

At the meeting we talked about, Feedback from Surrey People Group Disability Liaison Nurse Books Beyond Words and Local Updates and Any Other Business

March meeting minutes summary and notes

At the meeting we talked about, Annual Health Checks from the Learning Disability Liaison Nurse and Annual Health Check Information from Public Health

October meeting minutes summary and notes

Here is a summary and discussion notes of the October 2023 meeting.

Update from the Learning Disability Partnership Board, wheelchair services and presentation about Direct Payments and the survey on the new strategy.

Planning for the future of the group, direct debit and voluntary and community sector role.

July meeting minutes summary and notes

Here is a summary and discussion notes of the July 2023 meeting.

Notes from the Local Valuing People Group July event, they talked about Surrey People's Group, SES Water, Police feedback, and Liaison Nurses.

Actions from last meeting, questions, answers, and comments on the Leder report, Surrey peoples group event, SES water and Mole Valley. Local updates, actions and next meeting dates.

Questions, answers and comments on Learning Disability Partnership Board for Mary, Phill, Amanda, and details on the next meeting

If you would like to request any previous meeting minutes please email us at

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