Top to toe health checklists

Easy read top to toe health checklists

It is important to have health checks and to understand any problems you may be having with your health.

These easy read health checklists for different parts of your body will help you work out what you need to do next and offer you places you can go to get help and information.

Each section below has an action plan checklist that you can use to plan what you need to do to keep healthy, followed by and easy read action plan template for you to fill out for your own use. There are 21 checklists to go through and these are all downloadable.

Eyes and eyesightPhotosymbol of an eye

Eye tests, sight loss and how to look after your eyes.

Ears and hearingPhotosymbol of an ear

Hearing loss, hearing aids and how to look after your ears.

Teeth and gums

Going to the dentist, keeping your teeth and gums clean and looking after false teeth.

Eating and drinking

Signs to look out for and aids to help you if you have trouble swallowing.


Agreeing to treatment (consent) and help with communication.


Making choices about healthy eating, exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol.

Mental health

Mental health and where you can get help.


Taking medication and making sure it's up-to-date.

Pain Management

Ways to help with pain and when to see a doctor.

Going to the toilet

Constipation, bowel screening, bladder problems and help using the toilet.

Getting around

Blue badges for parking, falls, help to get about, and wheelchairs.

Skin and hair

Skin and hair conditions, checking moles and staying safe in the sun.

Feet and hands

Looking after your feet, especially when you have diabetes, cutting your nails.


Sleep routine, help if you are not sleeping well, and snoring.


Asthma and other breathing difficulties and how to get help.


Checking your blood pressure and cholesterol, how to keep your heart healthy.

Men's health

Health issues that affect men, including sexual health and checking testicles.

Women's health

Cervical smear tests and breast screening, managing your periods, and sexual health.


Signs of diabetes, treatment and staying healthy with diabetes.


Signs that your thyroid is not working well, and treatments.


Understanding epilepsy and when to talk to your doctor.


Problems with people with dementia and help for people with Down's syndrome.

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