Surrey Heath parking review 2023

There are a number of stages involved in the review, these are shown below. Due to the number of stages in the review, it takes about one year to complete a parking review from start to finish.

The current stage is Authorisation

Page contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Authorisation
  3. Advertisement and objections
  4. Approval
  5. Implementation


The 2023 parking review took place in October 2023 where over 95 requests were assessed. We determined which locations and proposals were both feasible and a priority for this review.


All proposals were agreed for advertisement by county councillors and the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager in January 2024.

The agreed parking proposals will be advertised over a 28 day period. This will include the publishing of a formal notice in a local newspaper; street notices being erected on site at each location; plus drawings and a statement of reasons being available to view online at the bottom of this page. Those properties immediately fronting locations where changes are proposed will be notified individually by letter.


All feedback received will be considered by county councillors and the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager, and a final decision will be made on how to proceed at each location. All objections, support and comment responses will then be summarised in a 'Decision report', which will include a decision for each location. This report will be made available to download and view at the bottom of this page. Those who respond to the advertisement will be notified of the final decisions by email or by letter.


The agreed restrictions would be installed on the ground in 2024.

Files available to download

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