Guide to parish registers held at Surrey History Centre

Most of our Church of England parish registers 1538 to 1987 (baptisms to 1912, marriages to 1937 and burials to 1987) are now available to search and view online on More parish registers from 1900 onwards, recently deposited registers and more early registers will be added later. Ancestry can be used free of charge by Surrey Libraries members in all Surrey Libraries and at Surrey History Centre.

Please follow the link below for the December 2021 edition of our guide to the parish registers you can consult at Surrey History Centre.

This guide is laid out as follows:

OR This entry gives the dates of the original registers deposited and the location code shows where they may be seen. NB Originals are not produced where a microfilm copy exists. If no dates are given the registers are at the church.

MF Microfilm or microfiche is available for the dates shown. The location codes show where the film or fiche is held.

PHOT A photocopy of the original register (for dates shown) is available at Surrey History Centre.

TRS A transcript of the registers (for dates shown) is available at Surrey History Centre. Many transcripts are now on microfiche.

PR The registers for the dates shown have been printed and published. See notes for volume series and number. Available at Surrey History Centre for reference only. (SRS: Surrey Record Society, SPRS: Surrey Parish Register Society.)

NOTES This shows any gaps in the entries in the registers and other relevant information known.

Location codes:

Original parish records typed in bold are not kept at the Surrey History Centre. Please note location code below:

W Surrey History Centre

H Hampshire Archives

C Croydon Local Studies Library and Archives

L London Metropolitan Archives

S Sutton Archives and Local Studies

X West Sussex Record Office

GD Diocese of Guildford or SD Diocese of Southwark. The dioceses do not share the same boundaries as counties.

Files available to download

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