Woking Palace Booklet

By Rob Poulton and Giles Pattison

2017 edition of the Woking Palace booklet is now available

Read about the history of this exciting site, including the results of seven seasons of excavation on the Woking Palace Archaeology Project 2009 to 2015, a community project jointly organised by Surrey County Archaeological Unit (part of Surrey County Council) and Surrey Archaeological Society, with the generous support of Woking Borough Council, the Friends of Woking Palace, Archaeology South-East (University College, London) and QUEST (Quaternary Scientific, University of Reading). The excavation was targeted at providing an understanding of the dates and sequences of development on this complex site.

Woking Palace by Rob Poulton with Giles Pattison

A SpoilHeap Publication
First published 2010, revised edition 2017
ISBN 978-0-9558846-3-4
14 pages, 24 colour illustrations
Price £5 + £3.50 p&p

To order this volume please go to Woking Palace - Publications and Reports (woking-palace.org)

For a copy of the digital supplement, please email archaeology.scau@surreycc.gov.uk

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