Volunteering to help asylum seekers, migrants and refugees

Page contents

How to donate cash or other items

Thank you for your kind interest in wanting to make a donation. We suggest you donate to the following organisations:

How to offer a property you own

If you would like to host Ukrainian Nationals in your home or property, please see our page I wish to offer support during the Ukrainian crisis.

If you have a property available that could house a refugee, migrant or asylum seeking family, you should contact the housing service of your local borough or district council. You will need to provide the following details:

  • Address of the property being offered
  • How many bedrooms it has
  • When it might be available
  • How long it might be available for
  • What, if any, rent you are expecting to receive
  • Your contact details.

Foster a child evacuee

If you would like to foster an unaccompanied asylum seeking child in need of a safe and loving home, please visit our fostering in Surrey pages to find out more our fostering service, what is involved and how to enquire.

Where to volunteer

If you would like to volunteer to help evacuees, please contact one of the national charities and organisations working with evacuees and asylum seekers across the UK:

If you want to find out about local volunteering opportunities in Surrey, please contact one of the local volunteer centres in the county.

Offer work to refugees

If you are an employer, please see the Refugee Council's web page: Supporting refugees into employment and find out how you could hire refugees and help them restart their careers and rebuild their lives in the UK.

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