Armed Forces Covenant and grant funding

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation ensuring that those who serve or have served and their families, are treated fairly.

The aim of the Covenant is to ensure that no member of the armed forces community should face disadvantage in the provision of public services compared to any other citizen.

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Surrey's Armed Forces Covenant

Surrey County Council is a strong supporter and advocate of the Armed Forces. There are approximately 6,200 Regular members of the Armed Forces with 640 known service families with 1280 service children, over 250 Reservists, 3,000 Cadets and 32,500 veterans.

The County Council signed the Armed Forces Covenant in 2012 and in October 2016 was proud to be awarded the Ministry of Defence Gold Employers Recognition Scheme Award by His Royal Highness Prince William for outstanding commitment and support to the Armed Forces – at the time Surrey was one of only two County Councils to hold this award. This commitment is ongoing and was recognised as such in 2021 when the award was revalidated.

The Covenant in Surrey is mainly taken forward through the Surrey Civilian Military Partnership Board (SCMPB). Partners include Deputy Commander 11 Infantry Brigade, the Lord-Lieutenant, SERFCA, Police and Crime Commissioner, borough and district councils, Surrey Fire and Rescue, Service Charities and our partners in health, education and business.

All Surrey district and borough councils have signed the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces community. For further information please see the links below:

Armed Forces Covenant Fund

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust supports the Armed Forces Covenant by delivering funding programmes that create real change to Armed Forces communities across the UK.

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund has four broad funding themes now and in future years.

  1. Non-core healthcare services for veterans.
  2. Removing barriers to family life.
  3. Extra support, both in and after Service, for those that need help.
  4. Measures to integrate military and civilian communities and allow the Armed Forces community to participate as citizens.

Surrey has been very successful in bidding for grants from this fund and to date has received over £1.1 million.

Examples of successful bids from Surrey include:

  • Brookwood and Pirbright Children's Centre received £19,700 to support the mental and physical health of service children from pre-birth to eight years old.
  • Pirbright School received £20,000 towards construction of a new classroom where service children and their parents can be supported in their health and wellbeing needs.
  • Peter Pan Pre-School at ATC (Pirbright) received £20,000 to install a natural woodland outdoor adventure area in the garden of the pre-school.
  • Surrey County Council received £147,888 on behalf of the south east region to enhance local support for veterans (Surrey, Hampshire, Kent, East and West Sussex, Brighton and Hove, and Medway). There are approximately 32,500 veterans in Surrey and 250,000 across the south east region.

Please contact to discuss any bids you may wish to put forward in Surrey.

Armed Forces Covenant for business

Businesses, charitable, and public sector organisations of all sizes who wish to support the armed forces community can sign the covenant. You make your own promises on how you will demonstrate your support.

More information on this and how to become a 'Forces Friendly Employer', including applying to the Employer Recognition Scheme awards, can be found on the Armed Forces Covenant pages.

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