Schools Procurement

Information for all Surrey's schools giving you access to the latest procurement advice and guidance that is specific to schools. It covers both the council's procurement process, covered by the Schools Procurement Standing Orders and general commercial guidance provided by the Department for Education.

If you have any procurement related queries or require project assistance email the Procurement team at

General commercial guidance

The Department for Education provides information online that is intended as a basic introduction to procurement. It can be used by anyone working in any school in England - bursars and business managers, administrators, governors, teachers, confederation managers and headteachers –and anyone in the process of establishing a new school, including free schools and Academies.

Leasing - Information for Surrey schools

Leasing can be an option for schools in a number of situations, where an outright purchase is considered to be undesirable.

If proposing to enter into leases, schools should remember that many leases are defined as borrowing, and are thus outside their powers. The council has an approved leasing provider in place which schools are advised to use (see Annex X of the Schools Finance Manual for further information).

This is in addition to complying with the requirements of the Schools Procurement Standing Orders as regards seeking multiple quotations and tendering.

Schools must still satisfy themselves that a proposed lease offers value for money (even if it is through the council approved leasing provider). Schools should also carefully consider the whole life cost of a lease, and compare it with the cost of buying outright, and of buying any services separately, taking account of any discounts to which they might be entitled.

Find out more about Schools finance and funding.

Find out more

How schools are funded - Information on funding can be found in the Schools finance and funding section of the website

How much am I spending? - The purchasing process you follow depends on how much you are spending. Find out how our procurement thresholds are organised and the process used for each level of spend. Download the Schools Procurement Standing Orders. By understanding the thresholds you guarantee your purchase process is legal.

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