Courses from Surrey Skills Academy

Below you will find our courses that currently have available places. These courses are aimed at adult social care providers of various settings and can be booked by any employee of providers based within Surrey free of charge.

Clicking on these links will take you through to the Eventbrite booking page for the course, where you will find further details of the content. Please read these thoroughly, to ensure that the course is relevant for your needs before booking a place.

Courses will be available to book one month before the start of the financial quarter they will be taking place in (June for quarter 2, September for quarter 3 and December for quarter 4).

If you are unable to find what you are after or if you would like to be included on our mailing list, please contact:

Terms and conditions for attending our courses

Please read the below before booking on any of our courses.

For all courses, we expect our attendees to fully engage with the course in order to get the most out of the time. Where courses are run virtually, we require all attendees to use their camera and microphone. We will only send certification out to attendees after the trainer has confirmed with us that they have fully engaged with the content and met the learning outcomes.

If an attendee is unable to make the session, they must inform us as soon as they possibly can. If you have an Eventbrite account, you will be able to cancel your own places. Alternatively, contact to arrange for places to be cancelled for you. This allows us to free up a space for someone else to book. Failure to inform us of non-attendance will result in your organisation being charged £35. These will be organised in bulk per quarter.

Although we offer these courses to you free of charge, we are still required to pay our training providers and venues out of Surrey County Council's adult social care budget. We also put a lot of time into planning, arranging and administrating this service. Please work with us to make sure that we can demonstrate the benefits and the effectiveness. We are always looking to improve the Surrey Skills Academy offer, so please do get in touch with any suggestions you might have on

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