Surrey's partnership websites

Our partnership websites can be found under these subject headings:


  • Invest In Surrey - For firms looking to relocate in Surrey from the UK or Foreign Direct Investments
  • Online DBS service - Electronic DBS (formerly CRB) checking service
  • Supply to Surrey - Central point for Surrey contract opportunities and awards above £10k
  • Our Surrey Story - Become an Ambassador and tell the story of our amazing county with a collective voice.
  • Business Surrey - Support for all businesses in Surrey.

Health and community

  • Active Surrey - CSP (County Sports Partnership), strategic lead for sport and physical activity
  • Adoption South East - Regional Adoption Agency for Brighton and Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council, Surrey County Council and West Sussex County Council
  • Be your best Surrey - helping families to better health by supporting them to eat better, move more, and improve general well-being.
  • Connect to Support Surrey- Care, community and health information and support
  • Healthy Surrey - Information relating to health and wellbeing in Surrey
  • Hope Service - A multi-agency service for young people aged 11-18 experiencing complex mental health, emotional, social and behavioural needs.
  • Surrey Local Offer - For children with SEND, their parents or carers
  • SEND Advice Surrey - For parents of children with SEN
  • Surrey-i - Partnership project, providing data, information and analysis about Surrey.






Your voice

Environment and rural

  • Healthy Streets - A design code for creating streets that are safe and green, beautiful, and resilient.
  • River Thames Scheme - Flood alleviation scheme from Surrey County Council and the Environment Agency

Council community

Children services

Trading standards

  • Friends against scams - aims to prevent and protect people from becoming victims of fraud.
  • Traders4U - Find a local business who have each given a commitment to trading fairly.

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