Partnership websites and microsites

Any website created by or for Surrey County Council becomes part of Surrey's online digital portfolio, therefore Surrey County Council must be represented appropriately. All core Surrey services must be delivered under the corporate Surrey website, but where services or outcomes are tailored to a niche audience or requirement, a proposal for a microsite can be discussed.

In these cases, the web team is here to assist and advise you to ensure that your site provides a high quality user experience against its objectives, and that it's well maintained. The information below describes the different options available.

What is a partnership website or microsite?

A partnership website - also known as a microsite - is a self-contained website which is separate from the main council website. Surrey has a number of partnership sites including:

Microsites can be particularly effective for highlighting a particular campaign/service or targeting a specific audience. However, if they are used incorrectly they can cause confusion, compete with the public website, and sometimes result in high costs and disappointing search engine rankings.

Web and Digital Services can help you decide on the most appropriate platform for your partnership project or service. We will review your requirements and recommend the solution which best meets your needs in terms of functionality, design, cost, maintenance, accessibility and search engine optimisation.

Domain name registration

All domain names must be registered by Web and Digital Services. We can assist you with choosing and registering a unique domain name ( for your new website. We will check your chosen domain name is available, register it for you, and manage any redirection. The domain name will then be held in the council's domain name account which is managed for you by Web and Digital Services.

We can also assist you with applying for a domain name. There are restrictions on the use of this top-level domain and we can advise you and manage your application. Read the GOV.UK: eligibility criteria and conditions of use.

Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations

The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 aims to ensure public sector websites and mobile apps are accessible to all users, especially those with disabilities. All websites that represent Surrey County Council must provide a detailed accessibility statement. If an accessibility statement is not available on your website, you may be in breach of the law. All microsites must follow the GOV.UK Sample accessibility statement ensuring all headings are adhered to.

Surrey's partnership sites

Surrey is involved in a number of partnership websites, our full domain name list gives details including aliases for our corporate website.

For information and advice on developing a partnership website or microsite, choosing the right platform for the job, registering a domain name, or improving your content for search engines, contact Web and Digital Services

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