Real Time Suicide Surveillance (RTSS) – privacy notice


  • Name of Service - Public Health
  • Directorate - Public Service Reform and Public Health
  • Date of Issue - 16 October 2023
  • Date of current version - 16 October 2023
  • Review Date - 16 October 2025


The reasons why we use your personal data

The key aim of Real Time Suicide Surveillance (RTSS) is to enable Public Health team and the multi-agency suicide prevention group to consider and agree if interventions are required after a death has occurred where the circumstances suggest suicide in advance of the coroners' conclusion.

The RTSS enables Surrey to:

  • Quickly identify and respond to emerging patterns that could indicate clusters, increasing trends or new methods of death.
  • Initiate a suicide response process.
  • Following a death, identify groups at risk. In response work with partners to reduce and manage social contagion risk.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the team

The QES Suicide Surveillance system has been built and developed specifically for suicide analysis. It was designed by users of real time surveillance systems and is continually evolving, informed by users of the system. It is a platform upon which Surrey Police can input initial data about suspected suicides. This input generates automatic notifications to multi agencies to request additional information. The multi agencies can input information direct to the platform and the systems ties all the information together and provides a comprehensive and chronological view of circumstances surrounding individual cases.

What Information do we collect?

The Public Health team and the multi-agency suicide prevention group will collect various personal information depending on the deceased person and their circumstances including the following:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Age at death
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Address
  • Employment
  • Incident details
  • Next of Kin
  • Mental Health History
  • Life factors and circumstances
  • Police involvement

How we are allowed to use your personal data

The personal data held relates to deceased persons only. The UK GDPR only applies to information which relates to an identifiable living individual. Information relating to a deceased person does not constitute personal data and therefore is not subject to the UK GDPR.

Who we share your personal data with

  • Surrey Police
  • Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Domestic Abuse services

Retention of data

  • Data will be retained for 3 years
  • After 3 years names and address will be deleted and only data for statistical purposes will be kept.
  • Any unique reference will be checked to ensure that they cannot be reengineered

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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