Surrey Mental Health Stigma Survey Privacy Notice


  • Name of service: Public Health
  • Directorate: Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships
  • Date of issue: 15 October 2021
  • Date of current version: 14 December 2023
  • Review date: 14 December 2025


The reasons why we use your personal data

This privacy notice applies to the Surrey Mental Health Stigma survey.

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the service?

The Surrey Mental Health Stigma survey will collect information on the extent and nature of mental health related stigma and discrimination experienced by people directly and indirectly, for example by carers. This will help Surrey County Council know where they most need to target and focus the commissioned anti-stigma programme and will help to measure any changes in reported stigma and discrimination experienced in Surrey.

Aggregated results will be shared at an anonymous level in the form of reports from the results of the survey and focus groups, if they are run.

Personal data will be obtained from those individuals wishing to hear more about and/or be involved in the work of the anti-stigma programme.

Please note, by using the link to register your interest, you will be moving from Surrey County Council's website to an external web-based form created by the provider End Stigma Surrey.

What information is collected?

An ID survey number is generated and disclosed to the individual on completion of the survey in case you have an enquiry and wish to get in touch with the project team about your response.

If you wish to hear more about, or be involved in, the anti-stigma campaign/programme, you can choose to give the End Stigma Surrey provider your:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number

via a link to an external web-based form created by the provider.

If focus group discussions are run, the provider will collect your anonymous expressions and opinions relating to mental health related stigma and discrimination where you choose to share these in the focus group discussions.

How we are allowed to use your personal data

To process your personal data, the provider will explain to you what they are asking you to agree to and why. If they have consent to use your personal data, you have the right to remove it at any time. If you want to remove your consent, please contact them at the following email address and they will deal with your request.

Who we share your personal data with

Surrey County Council is not collecting any personal data - your survey responses are anonymous and not identifiable at a personal level.

If you choose to click the link to hear more about, or get involved with, the End Stigma Surrey programme, this will take you to an external web-based form created by the provider End Stigma Surrey, where you can input your preferred contact details.

Retention of data

Data will be retained in accordance with our county wide retention schedule.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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