Surrey People's Group: having a voice

How Surrey People's Group helps its members

Listen to what our members have to say about the Surrey People's Group!

The Surrey People's Group is a Surrey wide network for people with a learning disability.

At the group, people can talk about issues important to them and work together to make real change.

People can say what they want to talk about and what is important to them.

The group has a large event four times a year.

We plan to have events in 2024 on the following dates:

  • Friday 8 March
  • Friday 21 June
  • Friday 20 September
  • Friday 6 December

There is a smaller group who meet every month to work together to organise and plan between events.

Surrey People's Group events

Find out what we did at the events we have organised.

March 2024

Easy read record March 2024 (PDF)

we talked about what is voting, different political parties. We looked at Why don't people with learning disabilities vote and we talked about many more things.

December 2023

Easy read record December 2023 (PDF)

The Proactive Community spoke about their taxi charter, Adult Social Care Transport Policy and Good things about travelling independently

Calendar view of June

June 2023

Easy read record June 2023 (PDF)

Learning Disability Week 2023, Let's speak up together, Activities and stands at the event! Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development and we ran workshops.

How to join the group

If you are involved with a group for people with a learning disability in Surrey and you would like to join the Surrey People's Group, please email us.

We look forward to seeing you and welcoming you to the group!

Surrey People's Group meeting minutes

Our most recent meeting minutes are below of this page. If you would like to request any previous meeting minutes, please email us at

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